Ken Clayton

Circa 1960 Ken Clayton and David Larsen built the first 'all transistor' WADLEY receiver as an amateur radio project. RACAL-SMD Electronics (Pty) Ltd (RACAL-SMD) acquired the rights to the concept and this resulted in the RACAL UK development of the RA217 'all transistor' WADLEY receiver. The RA217 development team was lead by John Dingley. thanks to In the early 1950s S.M.D. Manufacturing Company (Pty) Ltd (SMD) built six prototype SMD WADLEY receivers under contract to the CSIR. In 1952, as a result of a project initiated by SMD Directors Horace Dainty and Barry Cooke, David Larsen built the 7th prototype SMD WADLEY receiver. It was the first WADLEY RECEIVER prototype that had little resemblance to the earlier WADLEY models as it was intended for amateur radio and commercial use. Thanks to Ken at home, hillcrest, Durban A house for two plus engineering shop
SA Holiday1996013 Horace Dainty -- Ken Clayton -- Horaces's wife suplying the tea -- 1996 Looks like my bench ?? But this is the real Ken