Andrew Bean
- Born: 4 Dec 1841, Parish of Logie, Perthshire, Scotland
- Marriage: Jane McGregor on 7 Dec 1875 in Kincardine by Doune
- Died: 19 Nov 1918, Sheriffmuirlands, Causewayhead, Stirling, Scotland at age 76
General Notes:
Thanks to Yvonne Bean for these records ::
Family Group Record HusbandAndrew BEAN Wife MCGREGOR N otes HUSBAND - Andrew BEAN BIRTH: Logie P a rish, Per t h - S c o t l a nd P a rish Recor d s LDS Film N o MARRIAGE: C ert. No 14 (18 7 5 - Kincardine, Perth) DEATH: Cert. No 55 (1918 - Logie, Stirling) TRADE: Engineer
1851 & 1861 Census - at home in 1851, not there in 1861. 1861 Census: In Hutchesonto w n, Glasgow En54 P18 B E AN Andrew 19yrs B: CLK L o gie
1871 Census - L iving at home a g a i n - 29y, Blacksmith Journeyman.
1880-1881 Valuation Roll - owner of house & land i n C a usewa y head.
1881 Census: S h erriffmuirl a nds, Causewayhead - 6 rooms wi t h 1 or more windows Andrew H 39y Thrashing Machine Contractor BP: Log i e, Clack. JaneW 38y Kin c a r dine, P. Alexa n der S 2y Logie, Clack. Marion D 4yLogie, Sti r ling
1886 - boug h t S heriffmuirlands - also the L a nds of Forthbank. "E ngineer" !1888 - Va l u ation of Land - 4 Pounds 10.1d
1891 Census: L i ving at Sherrif f muirlands - 6 r o oms wi t h 1 or more windows Andrew H 49y Thrashing Machine Contractor BP: Log i e, Clack. Jane W 48yKin c ardin e , P . Alexander S 12y ScholarLogie, Clack. J o hn S 5y Ma r i o n D 14 y Jan e D 8 y
8-11-1899 - A p pointed on the c ommittee for t he restor at ion of Church.
1901 Census T r anscribed Index - Stirling EnD 11 Andrew 54 Jane 53 Marion 24 Alex 22 Jane 18 John 15 Obi t : "He be c a me an E nginee r , and a f ter pu rs uing his t r ade i n G l asgow, followed by a period in t he Merc a n t ile M a rine, he set t led down in his nat i ve district. He, i n 1871, acquired the property of "Sherri f fmuirlands" and became the proprietor of threshing mills, the busin e ss developing into an e x t e nsive one. He was a quiet unassuming man, and was gr eatly esteemed by those who h a d the pleas u re of his a q u a int a nce. He took no p a rt in p u blic a ffairs, b u t w a s a genero u s contrib u t o r t o a ll objec t s for t he good of t he l o c a lity. A herit o r of t he P a rish, he w a s a member of t he Logie P a rish Church.
Obit from t he S t irling Paper. WILL :- dated 1 4th December, 1918. Very l o ng & drawn out. Basically leaves everyth i ng to his wife if she was s t ill alive & visa versa. Seems like a " double Will". Up o n the death of both, all the es tates is to be conve r ted i n to c a sh a n d e q ually be divid e d b e twe e n the c hild r en: A lexande r , John, Marion & Jane. If any of t h e children s ho u ld die & n o t have any child r en, t h en their s hare is to go to the o t h e r s ibling s . With the girls, if they sho u ld marry then the h u sb a n d s h a ve no right t o t heir sh a r es. If Alex a nder, who worked wi t h his f at her, wishes t o c a rry on wi t h the business, he m a y either lease or purch a se t he business from t he Trus t . If he rejec t ed t he offer, it was all to be s o ld & a dd e d to the Trus t . Witnesses: (signed) Andrew B ea n, J a ne Be a n, John Clink ( A pprentice) & John Mc Aree Clerk to the S o li c it o rs o f Me s sers Davidson & St e venson 22-07-1 9 11 Rec o rded in Court Books of the C o mmissar i ot of Stirling 25-07-1911. Relative Oath w a s signed by Alexander B e an i n Stirling 29-05- 1 919.
Probate: 1919 Bean, Andrew, Engineer, Sheriff m uirlands, Causewayhead, nr Stirling, died 19th Nov. 1918, at Causewayhead afo r e s aid, te s t at e. Confi r mation granted at Sti r ling, 30th J u n e , to Alexa n d er Be a n & John Bean, E ngineers, Sherif f m u irlan d s aforesaid, his sons. Executors nom i nated i n Wi l l or Deed, dat e d 22nd Ma rch 1905, & recorded in Court Books o f Commissariot of Stirling, 13 Jun. 1919. Value of the Estate 3 71.08.10
02 Aug 2006
NB Lilias Margaret Wilson, Jaqueline Kay Wilson and John Stuart Wilson were awarded their deceased mother's share ( Marion Wilson nee Brown)
Andrew married Jane McGregor, daughter of John McGregor and Marion "Mene" Robertson, on 7 Dec 1875 in Kincardine by Doune. (Jane McGregor was born on 1 Jan 1843 in Kirklane, Parish of Kincardine, by Doune, Perthshire, Scotland, died on 18 May 1911 in Sheriffmuirlands, Causewayhead, Stirling, Scotland and was buried in Logie Cemetery, Stirling, Scotland.)